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Minskip VH Planner 30 Aug 24.PNG

Updated: 08 Feb 24


The Minskip Village Hall Annual General Meeting

will be held on

Wednesday the 19th of June 2024


Minskip Village Hall starting at 7.00pm

The current Village Hall Committee would like to invite all residents
of Minskip to attend their AGM where a new committee will be
elected for the coming year.
This is an opportunity for residents new and old to find out more
about your Village Hall and the events held in the Village Hall. We
would welcome fresh ideas and any support you may be able to
offer with activities in Minskip.

We look forward to seeing you there!



1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the 22/23 meeting.
3. Matters arising – Hall refurbishment and repair.
4. Chairman’s report
5. Treasurers report.
6. Election of Minskip Village Hall Management Committee.
7. Any other business- Trustees.

Minskip Village Hall Committee

Defib course.PNG

What's on in your Village Hall?

Click on the schedule for more information and details of how to book the village hall



Village Hall Committee
Hire the Village Hall!
Meet the residents!
St John's Church
Historic Minskip
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