A History of Minskip
What's in a name?
The following were found in documents of the dates given:
Minescip - 1086 (Doomsday Book) 1224, 1240
Menscipe/Menescipe - 1166
Menschipe - 1967
Manshipe/Maenschipe - 1168
Minschip - 1276
Minskip/Minskippe/Minskyp/Mynskip/Mynskippe/Mynskype - 1251, 1301, 1331
Manskip - 1316
Mynskypp - 1379
Menskip - 1444, 1546
There are a number of suggestions to be found in various books. One is that
"Minskip is of Scandinavian origin and means 'community' Taken from OE(ge) maenscipe meaning 'community, communal holding' an interesting but by no means rare use of an abstract noun, found also in Manship, also (ge) maennes. The early raising of ae (e) to i. is noteworthy; -sk-for -sh- is due to Norse influence"
'Place Names of the West Riding of Yorkshire'
(Interesting to note here that Minskip was in the West Riding until the boundary changes of 1974. It is now in North Yorkshire.)
From another source it is said that it gets its name from basket making; the reeds and rushes collected from an area known as The Carrs, located on the western side of Minskip. Carr Drain flows through this area of land into the River Tutt. Named from the carre (kjarr) meaning 'marsh'.
The name may also come from the Nordic word mine-skep, a hamper or basket used as a measure for corn.
This page aims to give you a feel for the rich history of Minskip. See the links at the bottom of the page for more!
Historical links
Learn all about the old names for the lanes, hills and fields of Minskip
Discover the story of one of Minskip's historical residents